Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Welcome to Unit 36: Lighting Techniques!

There have been huge steps in the fields of colour correction and post-production to enhance the look of footage after it has been captured but the role of lighting for moving image and photography remains extremely important for professional producers. In this unit, you will investigate the use of lighting and its purpose in a range of media products. The lighting used in a popular music video is likely to be very different to the lighting used for the studio of a TV news programme but both are important elements of the production design of each media product. The ability to understand how lighting helps create meaning in a media product, or how it is used in a purely practical sense to light important aspects of the programme, will lead to you designing lighting setups for given purposes. It is important that you understand commonly used setups and the components of a lighting design for a media product. You should be able to practise on equipment and learn how to safely set up lighting kits, experimenting with different colours and effects. The skills you explore in this unit can be broadened and expanded by seeking a role in the industry or can be developed by progressing to higher education. 

Learning aims In this unit you will: 

A Understand how lighting creates meaning in media production 

B Investigate the technology and lighting techniques used in the industry 

C Set up lighting equipment safely for a range of purposes.

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